Registeration Open for 2023-2024 Register
  1. It is vitally important that changes in residence/office addresses and telephone numbers be communicated in writing to the office immediately when they occur.
  2. The School does not hold itself responsible for injuries sustained by pupil while in the school. However, first aid will be rendered immediately and injuries necessitating Hospital/OPD treatment attended to, without delay.
  3. Pupils are advised not to have private tuitions. Parents are urged to encourage their children to do their daily work diligently and honestly and to pay utmost attention to the studies in the class room. If there be real need for help contact the Principal.
  4. Parents are encouraged to have their children undergo medical examination regularly for general well being, specially dental, eye and ear care.
  5. Parents and/or pupils (individually or collectively) are forbidden to give teachers gifts. Neither parties, nor gift presentations by students or parents on birthdays of students or such occasions are allowed. A token gift of a flower or a sweet may be allowed.
  6. Collection of funds for whatever use is forbidden without prior permission of the Principal. Students shall not sell or take orders for any merchandise in school or in the name of the School.
  7. Pupils are required to behave politely and avoid use of indecent language or actions injurious to the feelings of fellow students, teachers or others in this school. Any such behaviour indicative of hurting others, caste or community will attract serious disciplinary action.


Address: Near Kotwali, Tikunia Kheri,Distt. Lakhimpur (U.P)
Mobile no. : 7379939339,7310396163
Whatsapp no :7379939339
Email-Id :
© 2021 R.N. International School. All right reserved.